Absorption adds 2 non-regenerating golden hearts per level which reappear every 30 seconds.
Health Boost adds 2 extra hearts per level.
Jump Boost now reduces fall damage when jumping.
Regional difficulty: The longer players spend in one area, the harder the mobs there get.
The Creative Mode Item Selection Screen Search tab now shows origin tab on items' tooltip - Screenshot.
Swords no longer break blocks in Creative mode.
The Respiration enchant now helps seeing underwater.
Improved riding things: dismounting is now only possible by sneaking, mob health is displayed when ridden & ridden things can no longer be hit.
Natural health regeneration now costs hunger/saturation points.
/playsound to play specified sound files to specified players with optionally altered volume, pitch and minimum volume as well as "source coordinates" to emulate the sound coming from a certain place.
/gamerule: Added doDaylightCycle & naturalRegeneration, changed doFiretick to not affect fire extinguishing.
/spreadplayers to spread players/teams around a given coordinate with.
Fixed game mode and game difficulty issue.
Ability to leave someone else’s realm that previously accepted invitation for.
Added confirmation screens for various actions such as deleting a realm.
Added setting the owner of a realm as game master operator.
Added viewing backups for a realm and the ability to restore them.
Added resetting realm with one of provided realm templates.
Attributes can apply to the holder as well.
Some items already have default modifiers.
Attributes can be additive using a set value, or multiplicative or additive based on percentage.
Items and entities are now more customizable using NBT tags.
Many properties were moved over to NBT tags.
Many messages previously untranslated are now translated properly.
Also allow for language packs and sounds to be changed.